Henninger: Should the GOP Forget Reagan? - WSJ.com

One of the best parts of watching the GOP eat itself is it's veneration for Reagan. In this op-ed, it is stated that Republicans should return to the financial legacy of Reagan. You know, the one where we bankrupted our nation, quadrupled the national debt and shot our economy in the gut in order to kill the Soviets. Yeah, brilliant strategy, idiots.

The author disparages the work of President Obama and compares what he is doing to what happened in postwar Japan. You know, the postwar Japan that quickly modernized and became an economic juggernaut because of careful government investment. The Japan that bought up a large part of Manhattan because they literally were running out of ways to spend the massive profits they were earning.

The Japan that beat our asses so bad that Chrysler is a bankrupted half-Italian auto company and GM is on it's way to something similar. But my Acura runs just fine, thank you.

Yeah, that was a HORRIBLE business model.

Besides, aside from the stupid assertions of said article, I'd already say the GOP is well past doing anything but give lip service to the Gipper. As bad as the Reagan years were, and they truly DID suck for a lot of people, he looks like a freaking saint next to the people who have claimed his mantle of authority.

Reagan apparently had once gone after and prosecuted a Texas sheriff for - drumroll - waterboarding prisoners. Apparently this was even before we signed international treaties that stated the practice was illegal.

But now? Nah, the GOP falls all over itself trying to torture any Muslim it can find.

As for racism, Jack Kemp recently passed and while I did not like the guy's policies, he seemed like a decent human being. You can't really say that about your average John Boehner or GOP Southern Senator at Random. That said, his public letter to his grandkids on the election of Obama would have gotten him driven out of the party by the likes of Limbaugh, et al had he still been an active political figure.

Don't believe me? Then how about Limbaugh trying to drive Colin Powell out of the GOP for endorsing the president? You know, because he only did it because Obama is black?

Meanwhile, the GOP's idea of a good guy to help pick the next Supreme Court Justice is Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III of Alabama. Aside from his Junior Confederate General name, he's also got ties to white supremacists.

Or how about the cast of bigots and racists from the GOP that are against the Hate Crimes Bill?

Or that the major challenge to "moderate" John McCain in Arizona come from the head of the racist Minuteman Militia, Chris Simcox?

These aren't minor coincidences. This is the hardcore racist agenda behind today's GOP. Watch the election rally video of McCain's appearances and particularly the racist Palinite mobs.

THAT is the GOP. And as much disdain as I had for Reagan, I'm pretty damn sure he wouldn't have put up with that crap.

Forget Reagan? Oh, hell, the party did that a LONG time ago.