The Talibangelicals hate everyone, even Miley Cyrus.
Not that I have much use for her, but I find it pathetic that she is being singled out by "outraged" zealots because she believes every person deserves a chance at happiness.
Once again, find me the place in the Bible where it is okay for so-called Christians to demand that some citizens are lesser than the rest of us. A generation ago these asshats refused that people of different races could marry. Hell, 20 years ago, the Mormon faction of these hatemongers thought African-Americans were darkly pigmented because of the sin they carried. No, really.
A hundred and fifty years ago, some of these folks would have been sitting on their plantation porches watching their slaves work and shooting any Catholics, Jews or basically "anyone else" who stepped on their land.
So, you know, pardon me if I call them out for being cruel bigots for picking on a teenage kid who is more enlightened than they are. Hell, I'm even partial to giving Billy Ray some credit for raising an open-minded child.