Sonia Sotomayor: 10 Things You Should Know

Just a quick list of highlights about our potential next Supreme Court Justice.

I find it funny how the Rethug Brigade is already branding her as a "judicial activist". Look, put the damn term away. The ONLY activist judges we have had in this nation in recent years are Bill Rehnquist, Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, and Clarence "Pubic" Thomas when they circumvented the will of the people and picked Bush. In the case of Rehnquist and O'Connor, they apparently did it just to retire under a GOP administration. Assholes.

If you are Mike Huckabee, every Latina is named Maria, as he calls Sonia Sotomayor. Classy, and probably indicative of how the GOP is going to play this along racist lines of argument. Maybe I can link him to the murder of that little girl by her Sunday School teacher in California. Huckabee, Huckaby, same difference. Murderer!

In a similar vein, Nathan Deal, Rethug Representative from Georgia, wants to make it harder to be born an American citizen. Yep, nothing like killing freedom to ensure democracy.