The "Gay Tax"

Michael Steele, figurehead for a failed racist party, thinks that gay marriage would be bad for small businesses because of all the damned benefits that newly legal partners would be deserving.

What the idiot refuses to get, according to said article is that his argument not only is BS, it is also a good argument for a) not hiring married people or those with children, and b) socialized medicine.

So now the GOP is Anti-Family Employment? Only single people will have jobs in the Talibangelical Hegemony?

Say it with me: the Republican Party hates YOUR marriage and YOUR children!

That said, I read another article recently that states how good instituting gay marriage would be for gay families. And not just the "you are no longer second class citizens" benefits. I hadn't thought about this, but consider the following. Gay couples have to file taxes as single people. They also can't claim each other as dependents so have to pay double insurance. It's called the "gay tax".

And contrary to Steele's point, a death in a gay couple saves people money. No social security benefits and I am sure beneficiary payments are fought tooth and nail by the insurance industry.

Saving money by being anti-democracy bigots. Sounds just like some kind of GOP rallying cry.

I still stand by the concept that gay couples shouldn't have to pay taxes. If we are going to deny them freedoms, they should be exempt from paying to be treated so. It sure looks like they are paying more than their fair share, and that in itself should be a crime some bigots should have to do time for.