Just a quick rundown on some crap that should be pointed out more and isn't.
Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee can't handle the truth when it is laid out by the President of Pakistan. You know, our ally.
State Senator Kim Hendren of Arkansas decided it would be cute to refer to Senator Chuck Shumer of New York as "that Jew". Granted, that kind of talk is probably accepted in close door sessions of Republicans nationwide, but seriously....
The Washington Times thought it would be cute to run an article concerning school violence in Chicago and attach a picture of the Obama girls to it.
You know, the kids that haven't been Chicago school students since...um...their father became President? To only message to infer here is that they'd like the girls shot dead.
Representative Tom Price is another of those Republicans who think that exploratory drilling off our coasts can make up for not buying Saudi oil or some such, says we can create 36 million jobs by doing so. One, there is no guarantee the oil is out there. Two, it will take over a decade to really pump any oil or gas we *might* find. Oh, and three, we currently employ less than 200,000 people in the oil and gas industries.
Last up, the costs of our stupidity. The Taliban has taken to waterboarding captured American soldiers. They swear it is legal and useful based on the opinion that WE said it was legal and useful.
Thanks for endangering our troops assholes!