I heard this when running Mono to the groomer on Saturday. Basically, Scott Simon calls out what our media talking heads and politicians refuse to mention: namely, that we still have a LOT of very angry racists in this country.
Paul Krugman momentarily makes sense and discusses the same problem and takes it a step further: calling out the conservatives for fueling said angry terrorism.
Frank Rich follows in a similar vein.
NPR takes a look at the issue, as does Alternet and Media Matters.
The problem, however, is that you can look at it all you want, but until something is done about this brand of hate, nothing will change. I know the President wants to hear all sides, and that the media slows to a crawl without showing debate shows, but some voices are just plain wrong.
Killing someone you don't agree with in a house of worship has been wrong in just about every culture.
Assassination as a debate strategy is wrong.
Racism, for whatever reason, but particularly as a motivation to kill, is wrong.
Why do THESE asshats get to have a say? Why do we condone this kind of thinking? Because we do. Every time you do not round up these pricks and imprison them for being treasonous anti-Americans, you are quietly endorsing them. Every time some Bill O'Reilly or Hannity or Limbaugh or Savage-type cretin lets these people on their shows or doesn't call them out, they feel supported. Every one of these animals who got positive reinforcement from a Sarah Palin rally thinks that they hate they believe in is okay.
And yes, it is the GOP giving the most aid and comfort to these terrorists, but many a spineless Democrat is just as guilty.
Call hate what it is, tell those who believe it that THEY are WRONG, and you get us further down the road to that "more perfect union" we should be striving for.