Did Obama Murder Stimulus Critic Mark Sanford? « That's Right Nate

Ever wonder what fantasies your bitter, single conservative co-workers go home to whack off to? I mean, besides a three-way with horse-faced Coulter and Play-Doh face Malkin.

Here ya go. Apparently some conservathugs were wet dreaming about Obama offing Sanford for not taking stimulus money.

Yeah, don't thank me all at once for those visuals.

This is the angry GOP these days.

Basically, they don't get the Prez. Not like I do all the time either, but he's never going to take you out if you are an opponent of his. Instead, he'll keep you in the Senate like a funny-looking elderly muppet, like he does with McCain. Or he'll make you his international Girl Friday, like he did with Clinton. If you are a potential GOP opponent with a brain, he'll co-opt you into his administration and then ship you off (re: Huntsman).

No, if he REALLY wanted Sanford gone, he'd probably make him some Select Ambassador on Family Values and THEN let the guy reveal his affair while flagellating himself with a thorned whip. On Easter Sunday.

This is just the GOP being itself. Hypocrites.