Lifehacker - Food Week Roundup: The Best of in Delicious Bites - Food Week

The folks over at Lifehacker had a nice food overview week last week. Here are some of the highlights of the week and I will link some personal faves that may or may not have made their list so seriously check that last link just in case.

Equipment-wise, they link to an article on how to properly season a cast iron grill. Also, articles on the bare minimum of utensils you need, as well as a list of tools for the best kitchen.

That said, the last list there tends to imply you can skimp on the pots and pans. Honestly, mostly through our wedding presents and by checking sales, we've collected a decent set of All-Clad pots and pans and could not be more pleased with the results. Yes, some of this stuff *does* cost money, but when you get the right stuff, it is so worth it.