McCain campaigners allegedly called Palin 'Little Shop of Horrors'

I first read this column and had a little laugh over the continuing idiocy of the everlasting Sarah Palin parade. And then it occurs to me that maybe this IS the best the Republicans have to offer this nation.

Holy crap!

Then I went ahead and gutted through the actual article. To be honest, I'm probably more frightened now than before. Not only is this person a dolt, but people in the GOP who KNEW she was a dolt just went along with setting her up to be the 45th President when, not if, McCain would have faltered physically.

Let us restate this: they KNEW she wasn't up to the task, and tried to play it off ANYWAY. For partisan pride and to hell with the United States of America!

Never mind that she might be the best that they've got (especially with Ensign and Sanford caught with their pants down and Piyush being Mr. Rogers in brownface), the lack of respect for all Americans by the Republican Party is sick, and borderline treachery.