Parents Pulling the Plugs on Williamsburg Trust-Funders -

Oh look!

Yet ANOTHER! New York Times article on how we're supposed to feel bad for all those poor widdle trust fund babies who are suddenly being cut off by their newly broke parents.

And gasp! Some of them have to WORK! A whole EIGHT HOURS A WEEK!


I am getting really damned tired of these stories on the rich suddenly having to face reality. I know I shouldn't even link you to them, but dear lord these are just awful, awful people. They should be lined up so we can laugh at them and mock them.

To date, none of the stories I've linked describe people who give anything of value to our society. Maybe "roughing it" will aid in doing so. Otherwise, what benefit does it provide to try to elicit pity from us? It obviously doesn't work for me, and I can't imagine a lot of folks it would get a tear from.