Robert Reich weighs in on the topic of Rethug vitriol against Judge Sonia Sotomayor. They've gone to the standard plan of letting Limbaugh, O'Reilly et al speak the racist BS while the elected types go "aw shucks, them guys" and pretend to focus on issues.
So far, no one has really called them on it. Hell, Mitch McConell doesn't even pretend to speak out against the bigoted statements.
Ignoring it doesn't make it go away. They've attacked her for "having feelings", re: being a woman. As mentioned in another post, Traitor Liddy had some VERY chauvinistic things to say about her.
Aside from calling Spanish "illegal alien", the GOP has also gone out of it's way to label Sotomayor a racist. What is telling is that since they are damn near ALL saying it, doesn't that kind of make them the racists? Or is calling her "Sonia from the block" not a racist statement.
Among the racist fearmongers are Liddy (see above link), Tom Tancredo, and Limbaugh and Beck and their ilk. Trust me, it isn't hard to find links to this.
And while trying to pin a racist label on a federal judge, one of Tancredo's aides (who also worked for Pat Buchanan) confessed to accosting an American-American woman on the street, karate chopping at her head and calling her the N-word. And he has not been fired from Tancredo's employ.
Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.
But they aren't the racists. Right.