First off, I love newspapers. I even read the rural conservative ones we got in Illinois just to get the local news.
However, the piece of crap we are stuck with here in Las Vegas, the Review-Journal is a hate-filled, ultra-conservative piece of dogshit. And that's me being polite about it.
Today's opinion pages had this insult to intelligence bashing the TARP plan. Look, there are a lot of reasons not to like bailing out corrupt bankers, but none of the ones in this editorial applies. In fact, it seems to have been written by a fifth grade kid stuck in a Republican household trying to impress his Klan daddy.
What's worse is when they borrow syndicated info from folks like the psycho/idiot goons at the Reverend Moon's Washington Times. The RJ wasn't even brave enough to link this on their own site so I had to go find it. Whoever this Diana West is, she appears to be a vile, dirty piece of excrement, at least according to this commentary. And as filthy as she is, she's even prouder of the Time's Frank Gaffney who delight in mischaracterizing our president as some low-rent al-Qaeda wannabe.
These animals should be glad that progressives and liberals are not as fearful and hateful as they are. Otherwise they'd probably already be renditioned and treated to some of the lovely torture they get all wet and hard for.