Honestly, I am hoping to get a paperback copy of Jeff Sharlet's book soon. All in my further ongoing quest to know my enemies I guess.
Rachel Maddow had him on last night to discuss the cult that controls the GOP's government core:
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He was also on KNPR's State of Nevada discussing "The C Street Project".
Now granted, some of this may be just a great shill opportunity for his book. That said, he didn't make Mark Sanford find his "soul mate" in Argentina or force Ensign's dad to use his casino profits to buy off his boy's extramarital playmate's family. So, I don't factor too many grains of salt in his media tour. He may just be taking the opportunity to point out that our government is run by "prayer cells" - and isn't *that* a terrorist sounding term? - and maybe we should put a stop to that.