Going back to Wahhhhhsilla

So, Sarah Palin is quitting her job.

The gal who pals around with terrorist sympathizers in bed says she can't handle being investigated for ethics violations and taunted for being a mental lightweight.

While cruel, I love this:

"Either Sarah Palin is leaving the people of Alaska high and dry to pursue her long shot national political ambitions or she simply can't handle the job now that her popularity has dimmed and oil revenues are down. Either way - her decision to abandon her post and the people of Alaska who elected her continues a pattern of bizarre behavior that more than anything else may explain the decision she made today."

- DNC Spokesman Brad Woodhouse

I mean, let's be honest here. This is a person that encouraged racial hostility as a political tool no more than nine months ago.

And the more this goes on, the more delusional her fans are getting. The new meme? She quit because she's a "fighter".

Hmm, last I checked, you don't win a fight by QUITTING!

But hey, don't take my word for it. Here is the Juneau paper's editorial page:

"Palin veiled her announcement as something much more noble, but the fact is that she's quitting less than three years into her tenure. And, given her meteoric rise to national political stardom last fall, Alaskans are shocked and appalled by her decision to quit midstream.

We say good for her, however, because it's been nearly a year since the first-term governor has acted like she actually wanted the job. Still unknown, however, is why Palin is calling it quits, though her press office has given numerous reasons for why she isn't. They say:

• It wasn't because Palin can't take the criticism that comes with being an elected official.
• It wasn't because she is planning to run for higher office.
• It wasn't because of bad press and bloggers.

Palin said during her speech Friday - for which the press was given less than two hours notice - she didn't want to become a 'lame duck.' She also referenced not wanting to waste taxpayer dollars due to what she believes are frivolous ethics complaints against her and members of her administration.

If Palin is considered a lame duck it's by her own making. She engaged in needless disputes with bloggers and members of the press, waged a talk-show battle with David Letterman over a crude joke (was Letterman's comment really the worst we've heard from late-night comedians?), and touted her office's transparency while doing the opposite in practice.

Not only did she hit the self-destruct button, she built the time bomb known as Sarah Palin. We're surprised by the news, but we shouldn't be.

Palin should have waited a few days before announcing her resignation. Instead, she dropped a bombshell just one day before Alaska was to celebrate its 50th anniversary of statehood. Her announcement could have overshadowed the historic significance of the Fourth, but it certainly didn't in Juneau or Douglas, where people were much more concerned about celebrating their state's heritage than about what the "guv" was doing or saying.

Apparently, they're tired of her "cute" act too. Act your age, you idiot!

Wonkette has some other not-very-helpful, but oh-so-funny observations.