Pool Boots Kids Who Might "Change the Complexion" | NBC Philadelphia

Hi. This is the 21st Century calling. Could you Republican pricks get with the program?

In Philadelphia, the Valley Swim Club kicked out a summer youth club that didn't fit the skin shade they were looking for. And this is after the group paid upwards of two grand for the "privilege" of being discriminated against.

A couple key quotes:

"When the minority children got in the pool all of the Caucasian children immediately exited the pool....The pool attendants came and told the black children that they did not allow minorities in the club and needed the children to leave immediately."

- Horace Grant, parent of one of the children

"There was concern that a lot of kids would change the complexion ... and the atmosphere of the club."

- John Duesler, President of The Valley Swim Club

How would you like to be a parent that hears this racist crap? I'd like to kick a lot of somebody in the tailbone, personally.

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