Some Docs Resist Repeal Of Bush-Era Abortion Regs : NPR


Once again, you've got to wonder why we in America are burdened with zealots. Talibangelical doctors are threatening to close their practices if their ability to reject procedures on "religious grounds" is taken away.

Let's be blunt about this. Bush only gave them this cover on his way out the door so it isn't like years of precedence exists here.

Let's be more blunt: do your f'in jobs. Cops don't *legally* refuse to protect minorities and firemen don't let synagogues burn because they are racists. They might want to appeal to their worser natures, but they chose jobs to serve the public - the WHOLE public - and they do the damn job.

Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc. ALSO serve the public good. Except for these jackasses apparently.

Besides, most pediatricians aren't also abortion doctors. If you don't want to perform an abortion or prescribe birth control, shut up and find another area of practice where - duh! - you won't be presented with your precious "ethical dilemma".

In short, shut up and do the job and leave your theocratic BS at the door.