The Culture Wars' New Front: U.S. History Classes in Texas -

The Wall Street Journal is a treasure trove of anti-Americanism today. I found this story concerning the potential re-writing (and whitewashing) of American history in Texas schoolbooks.

Amongst some historians, there are some Talibangelical asshats who want to lie to our children and push their own racist and political agenda. Some low points in the article that should likely be cause to send these idiots for a five year stint in Afghanistan just to save some our troops a tour.

Curriculum changes recommended by reviewers appointed by social conservatives on the Texas State Board of Education:

* Replace Thurgood Marshall with Harriet Tubman or Sam Houston.

In first grade, students are expected to study the contributions of Americans who have influenced the course of history. Rev. Peter Marshall, a reviewer, calls Thurgood Marshall -- who as a lawyer argued Brown v. Board of Education and later became the first black justice on the U.S. Supreme Court -- a weak example.

* Delete Anne Hutchinson from a list of colonial leaders

Students learn about colonial history in the fifth grade, and three reviewers suggested that the standards not include Anne Hutchinson, a 17th century figure, among a list of significant leaders. Ms. Hutchinson was exiled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for teaching religious views at odds with the officially sanctioned faith.

* Delete César Chávez from a list of figures who modeled active participation in the democratic process

Two reviewers objected to citing Mr. Chávez, who led a strike and boycott to improve working conditions for immigrant farmhands, as an example of citizenship for fifth-graders. "He's hardly the kind of role model that ought to be held up to our children as someone worthy of emulation," Rev. Marshall wrote.

* Include more study of religious revival movements

Evangelist Billy Graham should be included on a list of transformational leaders of the 20th century and students in fifth and eight grades should study the colonial-era religious revival known as the Great Awakening as a force "in shaping a national identity," suggests reviewer Daniel Dreisbach, a professor of public affairs at American University.

* Replace references to America's "democratic" values with "republican" values

Reviewer David Barton suggests swapping out "republican" for "democratic" in teaching materials. As he explains: "We don't pledge allegiance to the flag and the democracy for which it stands."

Utter bullshit. My child, if I can help it whatsoever, will NEVER spend one day in a classroom in State of Texas. I want him educated, not brainwashed with racial hatred and outright stupidity.