This neighborhood is looking kinda shady

Living in Nevada is rough these days. Our governor is a lying thief, and has been kicked out of the Governor's Mansion for cheating on his wife. Yeah, Mark Sanford has nothing on our POS "leader".

One of our senators is spineless (Reid) and the other is a fake-baked defender of family values/violator of marital vows (Ensign).

Our mayor is a drunk, but a lovable one.

But we have bigger issues with the neighbors. California is broke. As in "will be writing IOUs by Thursday" broke. Basically, all their social services are up for being slashed.

Over in Arizona, they've lost their damned minds. You can now legally carry a concealed weapon in a bar. This might even be worse that the "bring your gun to church" day in Kentucky.

Hmm, guns and whiskey. I can't see how this goes wrong. Can you?

Arizona also has pre-emptively banned any possible public health care plan the government may pass this year. Which leads me to wonder if that law might possibly include Medicare and Medicaid. The reason I ask is that I'd love to see the Feds pull that funding right now and let Arizona deal with all the elderly citizens of their state suddenly ask why their health care disappeared.

It would, at the least, be good for a laugh.

Strangely enough, our usually most repressive neighbor - Utah - has ended the practice of private bar memberships that made it nigh impossible to get a drink when visiting Salt Lake or the rest of "Deseret". So, hey, kudos for that.