Daily Kos: The Cost of Sotomayor Opposition

According to this poll, GOP support among Latinos is down to 3%, an 11 percent drop from before they went racial on Sonia Sotomayor.

Seeing as they pretty much had a lock on the racist white voters, what could this possibly have gained them? Ideological purity? Racial purity?

Or is just the party being intellectual honest? Face it, they hate Obama because he's black. They hate health care because, wait, they don't mind Medicare so that's not a real issue. It must be because the President is black.

They hate closing Guantanamo because apparently they love torturing brown people. Or maybe just Muslims. You know, unless someone has a better logical reason to provide. Which, given the eight years available to provide such an answer, I doubt there is another one.

They hated Sotomayor because she's a radical. Wait, no she isn't. If anything, she's conservative. So it must be because she's brown. And a woman.

No, I think I see where this all goes and it's a dark place. And I really, sincerely hope America wants no part of it.