Fear of Healthcare or Fear of Black People? Introducing the 'Healthers'

"I think we should come up with a new term for the Healthcare nuts - the 'Healthers' in homage to the 'Birthers'. They are equally as crazy, equally wrong, and at the end of the day, equally racist."

- Blogger Ben Cohen on the crazy bastards opposing health care reform

A couple of Olbermann gems regarding both the assholes disrupting democracy:

...and the spineless shitheels who are buckling under to racist dittohead mobs and lobbyist bribes:

Bob Cesca comments on the raving townhall meeting lunatics mentioned above.

Most of these tools are following a corporate lobbyist-written script. More on that here.

At DailyKos, a tongue-in-cheek "surrender" to certain GOP lunatic points, the ones that don't exist except in their vacant echo chamber skulls.

Check out Howard Dean in this interview on Talk of the Nation.

CNN's Rick Sanchez is a reckless loon, but he's OUR reckless loon. Check this out:

Hell, you want to know how much in Bizarro World these "healthers" are? Some asshat "supposedly attacked" at a health care mob rally has a online contribution site to cover his health care costs as he doesn't have health insurance.