Think Progress » Woman yells 'Heil Hitler' to Jewish man praising Israel's national health care system.

Folks, the Reich Wing has come to Vegas.

Here's the video to the event:

Basically, since John Ensign is hiding from the public and Harry Reid doesn't have a spine - and Lord knows what our Reps are doing - we haven't had any of the town hall bullshit here. At least until a local racist radio shitheel decided to hold one - in a country/western dance hall.

No, I'm not kidding.

While there, a proper Rethug begins launching into Hilter chants while trying to shout down a Jewish man speaking.

That, in a nutshell, is the Republican Party folks. When something doesn't go their way, call everyone a commie, bring out the Nazism, and kick in the racial slur machine. Add a dose of angry religion even Jesus wouldn't recognize as anything he'd ever said and turn the volume up to 11.

Somehow this works. I don't know why. You'd think people would raise their children to learn that throwing a tantrum is not adult behavior. You'd think people would raise their kids to not be bigoted jerks either. Then again, I guess you'd call those folks anything but Republican.

UPDATE: According to DailyKos, the lady is ironically wearing an Israeli Defense Forces t-shirt. So much for that pro-Israel policy. Or as the posting goes:

Apparently the wingnut love affair with Israel goes only as far as getting Israelis killed in the race to the Rapture.

When an Israeli wants to talk about health care, it's right back to "Heil Hitler."

....Now, why does an American wingnut wear an IDF t-shirt to a health care event? To prove wingnut bona fides, of course. But... first thing out of her mouth when she meets a real Israeli? "Heil Hitler!"

A Jew disagrees with her. The mask comes off.