Calling 'em out

Senator Rockefeller accused Texas' Cornyn of doing the insurance industry's bidding by referring to Cornyn's support of a proposed amendment to allow health insurance folks to look at the pending bill and waiting 72 hours to vote on it so the execs can tell their paid politicians how to vote.

Granted, that's not how Cornyn, other Rethugs, and Sellout Dems see it, but that's how it exists in reality.

Senator Debbie Stabenow made her stand against Arizona's Other Moron Senator John Kyl, who argued against including maternity care in the bill because - you know - he doesn't need it.

KYL: I don't need maternity care, and so requiring that to be in my insurance policy is something that I don't need and will make the policy more expensive.

STABENOW: If I could just interject once with my colleague -- I think your mom probably did.

More on this.

Democrats have dirty fiends paid by the health and insurance industries too. Kent Conrad of North Dakota has been arguing against a public health option because he believes that France doesn't have one and they have GREAT health care.

France DOES have great health care, recently rated the best in the world. France also, however, DOES have a public plan that covers 3/4ths of their citizens - and has since the end of World War II.

Keep calling out the idiots when they are wrong. Keep calling out the idiots when they are working against the desires of the majority of Americans who desperately want reform.