Daily Kos: Calling all John Galts in Georgia

Sure, obviously we should go help the folks flooded out of their homes in Georgia.

That said, this diary at DailyKos asks the question: why should we help people who believe that the federal government should be feared, hated, and possibly rebelled against.

He offers this advise to the teabagging locals:

(I)f you lost your home to the floods but you also are a follower of Boortz, Beck et al, do the right thing and decline all federal and state aid - like you urged your governor to decline stimulus funds.

So yeah, we should offer a hand as good Americans, as good Liberals as well, but we should also rub the worst offenders' noses in it.

In another vein, as this region has been experiencing critical drought in recent years, perhaps they might consider this a good time to stop praying for rain.

Yes, I'm a jerk, but I'm tired of these hypocrites and feel real bad for their normal, sane neighbors caught up in the "punishment God is meting out for their sins" or whatever they say when liberals in New York get attacked or blacks in New Orleans gets ravaged by hurricanes.