Why the Right Wants to Erase Bush : Dumping Dubya

This is exactly what I needed to read this morning.

I have noticed a lot of Bush apologists writing articles trying to explain away all the bad their idiot king did. You know, like half-heartedly signing onto the Iraq Surge makes up for starting the war in the first place. Even though, it was only one of a few things to help matters. And oh! we're still at war there.

Also the bit about the stimulus plan and how that makes up for all the deregulation and purposeful non-regulating that helped caused the financial crash.

"Gee, I'm sorry I knocked up your daughter and ran away from my responsibilities as a father, but if I sent you a check for $50 would that cover the damages?" Yeah, it's stupid bad like that.

So, I needed this kind of read.

(T)hat's kinda weird given the former adoration directed toward the Caligula Kid. Isn't that kind of intellectually dishonest? Can it be that the right in America is actually disingenuous? I mean, everyone knows they are destructive, selfish, hypocritical, racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, imperialistic, nasty, brutish and short. But who would have thought they were dishonest too?