Critics a-Twitter over Meghan McCain's racy pic

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This is a sad, sad world. So, Meghan McCain, Torture Lover's kid, posted a pic up on Twitpic and is getting reamed by her Talibangelical fan base for it. Enough so, that she has since pulled the pic and apologized for basically revealing a candid look into her life of...reading books on the couch.

Yeah, that's it. You'd think she'd have posed nude in a goat show or something for the response she got.

Look, I probably wouldn't agree with 95% of the things in Miss Meghan's head at any time, but after she got reamed for being "too fat" by conservatives earlier, I sure don't want to be part of the club that bludgeons her for her looks. Besides, she seems at least more reasonable than the rest of the cretins in her party. Not that I want her to run for anything, mind.

Plus, she's kinda cute. Or at least hasn't had her looks ruined by that permanent angry scowl conservatives get. You know, like her step mom Cindy.