Frank Schaeffer: Bad News! Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Frank Schaeffer lays out the arguments of both the traitorous right and the unsatisfied left in response to the President winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

As for me, sure, it is way too early for him to be considered for this. I mean, this is more an indictment of the Bush years than an endorsement of Obama, so in that it is unfair to the man.

As for the right, this is typical. They hate having to acknowledge that there is a world outside our borders and that we should play nice with it at times. They hate the UN and thus send douchebags like John Bolton as our rep there. It's like sending Lush Rimjob to a NOW convention. They hate the Olympics and thus cheered when we lost the 2016 games. They hate the Nobel committee but love to mock those Americans who win prizes there, be they scientists, writers, or even the President.

Being patriotic is more than waving a Chinese made flag or sticking a sticker in the window of your SUV. It is also being proud of the image we present to the rest of the world, ESPECIALLY as we try hard to not be pigheaded antagonists.

That is something our unpatriotic brethren are never going to grasp.