John Mayer: I'm going to forcefully sodomize your editor.

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This is both heartbreakingly brilliant and pathetic all at the same time.

Q: These are questions my editor wanted me to ask. I'm trying to build my journalistic career here.

A: You're not building a journalistic career. You're making yourself look like a moron and you're not a moron. Who's your editor?

Look, I have no idea who Christianna Ablahad is, nor do I really care. And I don't care who her editor is either. That sad, if you are stupid enough to ask these loaded, inane questions to anyone, much less a musician who is only wanting to talk about his music, then you deserve all the abuse you get. If anything, this twit got off light.

As for John Mayer, I suddenly want to go to a bar with this guy and watch him get us both in a fight with some cute girl's boyfriend that he is sure to piss off.