'Leave Or Else,' YouTube Video Warns Obama | Hatewatch | Southern Poverty Law Center

Well, turns out the Redneck Republicans are throwing down the gauntlet and demanding that President Obama step down next week or else. Or else what? Dunno, they even pulled down the treason video they had threatening our democratic way of life.

They aren't alone. Here is a timeline of other seditious events calling for either a violent overthrow or some kind of secession BS.

And some conservatives want to abuse the system to create some quasi-legal justification for impeachment proceedings because they can't believe the President in an American citizen.

You know what the sad part is? I know a couple branches of my family are conservative, and while that sucks, it's unavoidable in most families. The part that really blows is that some of them feed into this hate and racism and call it patriotism.

I just hate thinking that such a level of stupidity exists somewhere in my gene pool. That said, they are my cousins so maybe it isn't congenital.