Rachel Maddow, voice of America | Amanda Marcotte | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk

It has been awhile since I heard a glowing review of Rachel Maddow so this was nice to read.

Granted, I think she's gone over the edge a bit in damning the President of late, but it's her show and she does have a vested interest in at least advancing gay rights.

I still say he's out to do good for the majority of Americans first so he can then be allowed to do more good for smaller but still significant groups of people as his presidency progresses, but I guess I'm the only one who believes that or something.

She often brings on conservatives for the same kind of in-depth interviews, and even when she strongly disagrees, she always gives them a chance to air their views (and generally hang themselves with those views). Her show is the exact opposite of Bill O'Reilly's show. Where he cuts people off for saying things he doesn't like, Maddow digs in deeper.