Another fine post by Dingeldein. Click the link for proper links and such.

By BCAB Chief Rush-Limbaugh-Should-Shut-The-Fuck-Up Correspondent Elvis Dingeldein.

Oh Teh Christ™, if only Barack Obama were as popular in his own country (Psst: That's "America," Wingnut Douchebags!) as he is worldwide right now! While Republicans are taking out ads in Soldier of Fortune and using Vicks Vap-O-Rub to whip up some phony face tinkle, Democrats are poking Progressives in their Angry Mad Growly Faces and Progressives are readying themselves to MoveOn (dot-ROAR!) because the President hasn't yet rescinded Don't Ask Don't Tell while kicking the doors off the hinges at Guantanamo in a spectacular A-Team-style raid to free all the wrongly-testicle-tasered brown people, huzzah!

But as we all argue about which of us hates President Obama the most and for what Totally Non-Racist Reasons, the rest of the fucking planet loves them some O-Man:

The United States is the most admired country globally thanks largely to the star power of President Barack Obama and his administration, according to a new poll. It climbed from seventh place last year, ahead of France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan which completed the top five nations in the Nation Brand Index (NBI).

Oops! Sorry, Rush Limbaugh, you disease-ridden porcine fuckhole: Seems the rest of the world thinks America kicks ass, Obamastyle. Apparently in a post-Bush world, the best way to whip up international support for America is to run all over the world telling foreigners how much we suck! A little honesty, some Tough Love, and we're back on top, bitches! WE'RE VAGUELY TO BLAME! WE'RE VAGUELY TO BLAME!

See, a Fat Suppurating Sack of Weasel Scrota like Limbaugh tends to forget that a whopping huge chunk of the planet whose axis is dangerously destabilized by his massive fatness is some shade of brown or another. Whoops! That means that while his filthy racist mouth earns him Teeth-Flashing Guffawfery from the Big Deliverance Banjo Brigade in the toothless hooch hollers of Appalachia, the rest of the Big Brown World can judge America and her new president without the Honky-Colored Glasses, where everything is still 1955 (or better yet, 1855) and Liking Ike was cool, Daddio, because he played golf and took naps in his footie jim-jams and had the occasional stroke on the East Lawn.

So you Teabagging Wingnuts keep up the good work cheering our Olympic Fail and rooting for the Statue of Liberty to fall over and crush a 4th of July field trip of blind apple-pie-baking orphans with Bald Eagle Leukemia; the rest of the world thinks we're the tits, if only because we're free enough to allow pig-ignorant fascist suck-merchants like Limbaugh to speak in public without an electrified genital cuff wired to a Whack-A-Mole.