Seems like the company is missing a "K"

Turns out you can be fired at an office supply company for voting for a black guy. This is what a guy found out at (K)KK Office Supplies last year after his CEO "jokingly" told his employees that he'd fire people for voting for Obama.

After bringing in around $300,000 in new business, he got sacked weeks after the election. He says this has much to do with him being a vocal Obama supporter.

If that's why he was fired, he's got a case. I figure he put himself on a short list and that's a tad harder to prove.

That said, I work for a bunch of conservative Aussies and one Kiwi who is actually very American conservative and not that European and First World kind of conservative that makes you a raging liberal by Republican standards. The company donates to the GOP against the will of many of the workers here. We have some Talibangelical prayer circle sanctioned by the higher ups that has a calendar where they pray for us "heathens". Apparently I've been on that.

So yeah, I'm smart enough not to wave a huge "O" flag up in here. If asked, I'm not going to lie, but I'm also not going out of my way to get fired either.