SPORTSbyBROOKS » Olympian Lolo Jones' Pic From ESPN 'Body Issue'

Alright, so this is a bit beyond my usual postings but I really liked the take that SbB did with the subject. In short, the lady below is Lolo Jones, an Olympic hurdler, and she is posing in the ESPN "Body Issue", in the nude as you can clearly see. What's cool about this article is that it deals with her looks as objectively as the site can - I mean, it *is* written by somewhat mean-spirited sports guys.

But truly, here's someone who looks great through exercise and hard work, not by starving herself or doing injections or implants. She is thinner than most "real" women, but that's due to her job, not by any expectations or outside pressure. So, good for her, good for ESPN for putting her in the issue, and good for SportsbyBrooks for handling the subject like adults. Yes, she's attractive, but more for her merits than her looks. If only the world worked this way more often.