Teen's DIY Energy Hacking Gives African Village New Hope | Wired Science

A little creativity goes a long way. I read this story about a Malawi teenager who built some windmills based off of some pictures he saw. Basically, he's now powering the essential services in his town.

We've got a nation full of conservatives who hate and fear science and wonder why their kids are idiots who think Jesus rode a dinosaur on a planet only 6,000 years old when they're having unprotected anal sex when they aren't scratching all their STD scabs. Meanwhile, this kid creates a veritable energy conglomerate in the Third World using his mind. And you wonder why the rest of the world is kicking our ass.

Here's a kid who couldn't even afford school, self-taught himself at the library and made a difference in his community.

Meanwhile in Texas, Rethugs are too busy removing the word "democracy" from the textbooks to realize how poor our educational system is.

But, hey, kudos to this kid. Well, he's in his 20s now, but he's still trying improve life for his community.

Here he is getting interviewed on The Daily Show:

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William Kamkwamba
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