Yet another reason to love Reddit:
This nation was led by a ruler who enforced the laws on threat of death. This ruler demanded that each person pay a 20% income tax annually. 10% was devoted to the poor and immigrants (this nation had virtually no immigration restrictions) and the other 10% went to government workers and infrastructure.The richest members of society had restraints placed on their ability to generate wealth - an extra portion of their potential profits (above an established cap) was devoted for the poor and immigrants (on top of the 10%).
Labor laws were also strict. Weekends were enforced. Anyone caught working (or forcing others to work) on the day off was severely punished. And every seven years, workers and owners would take an extended vacation, living off of state reserves and private savings.
Most shockingly, the land and wealth of the nation was nationalized once each generation (about 50 years)- debts were forgiven, land and resources were redistributed, and each family restarted with a share of the wealth regardless of how successful or unsuccessful they or their forefathers had been.
So where was this socialist hellhole and who was it's tyrannical leader?
The nation was called Israel and the leader was named Yahweh. You can read all about it in Deuteronomy.
Christians should read their Bibles more often.