Think Progress » New Oklahoma law will publicy post details of women's abortions online.

Oklahoma is pushing for a 21st century Scarlet Letter. If you have an abortion in the Sooner State starting next month, your personal details will be posted online, presumably to instigate some form of public shame. Granted, your name isn't used, but I've lived in enough small towns to know that such an omission isn't going to stop your prying neighbors from finding out who you are.

Next, I imagine they'll be re-instating public stoning for "sinners" or "witches" or "liberals". Lord, am I glad I moved away from that self-righteous hellhole.

"(W)omen voting is bad for conservatism, and as a conservative, of course, I think that's bad for society."

That quote comes from a National Review conservative hack who adamantly desires that this nation takes the right to vote away from women. Why? People women predominantly do not vote for Republicans.

Not that this has anything to do with Republicans being fans of gang raping.