Ut-Lee show too much for Yanks in Game 1 | MLB.com: News

Cliff Lee shut down the Mercenaries Yankees, and Chase Utley treated The House That Exorbitant Cable Fees Built like his own personal Southern marriage and the Phillies won Game 1 of the World Series.

Granted, I'm not a huge Phillies fan, but the team seems to be full of good guys and hell, I'd root for a team full of cracked-crazed murderers over the Yankees. Besides, I'm a National League guy anyway.

There are a couple of shots of a very nonchalant Cliff lee catch I'd like to pass along. Check 'em out.

Granted, it is only one game, but a quote from this recap tells the tale:

They call it a long series, but Lee just shortened it. If he's going to be Beckett, or Schilling, or Morris, he just shortened it a lot.

A couple of more notes on the Yankees. Turns out that on top of gouging their fans for seats, they also like to jerk their fans around as to whether tickets are available or not.

And then there's this priceless image of Mayor Bloomberg "enjoying the game":

Up next, the possible restoration of the Legend of Pedro Rodriguez.

Yes, the Phillies may yet lose the whole damn thing, but today feels good.