Why GOP Leader Opposes Hate Crimes Protections for Gays - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

John Boehner is a tool.

I know, you were already aware of that, but this is insidious bullshit coming from an already slimy creep.

He's against the recent expansion of hate crimes to cover sexual orientation, but not just for the knee-jerk gay bashing that Republicans are famous for.

No, his problem is, partly, that hate crimes law somehow constitutes some kind of Minority Report-style "thought police" that will incarcerate people for just imagining crimes against women, minorities, gays, and Muslims.

I could see his point. If this were true, the state governments of Texas, hell, the whole South, Plains, and Alaska would grind to a standstill.

But his real objection is that some rabid, angry Hate Jesus-loving pastor could be arrested for preaching things such as, oh, I dunno, sermons such as "Why I Hate Barack Obama" which inspire people to pack assault weapons to political protests.

Look, assholes, Timothy McVeigh listened to crap like this. So do all those militias seeing a comeback these days. Or the "Minutemen" vigilantes.

Put a stop to it and actually try to help fix the problem. Because, honestly, if you HAVE to count on these people to get elected, maybe you shouldn't be involved in politics. Ya know?