Jon Stewart Catches Sean Hannity Falsifying Footage To Make GOP Protest Appear Bigger (VIDEO)

I am shocked! Shocked I tell you!

FAUXNews' Sean Hannity used old footage of an earlier Tea Party Traitor rally to make it look like people showed up to Bat Shit Crazy Michelle Bachmann's recent anti-American protest.

As I said somewhere else, when you get your news from a two-time college dropout, don't be so surprised when he basically lies to you to make his wingnut allies look credible.

John Stewart makes light of this in a way most of us can't:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Uses Glenn Beck's Protest Footage
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And let's not forget, Hannity believes the President knew about the Fort Hood shootings in advance and did nothing to stop them. Nice patriotic folks, these Republicans. I am pretty sure there is no memo ever written that says "Muslim Army Psychiatrist Determined to Strike at US".

It's okay for Bush to drop the ball and let three thousand people die to Hannity and his ilk, so Obama *must* have know this guy was gonna go bonkers and open up on a room full of fellow soldiers. Assholes.