The Healthiest And Unhealthiest States -

This is a glaring road sign of the coming health divide in our nation. Take a look at this list. Here is the main article.

If the Senate grows a pair and passes health care reform, it - sadly - will include an opt-out option for the public health care plan. Judging by the states who already have miserable health outcomes and probably a large percentage of uninsured residents, this list might continue to look the same as the Treason States opt out. However, I imagine that the chasm between the healthiest and unhealthiest states will grow even larger as those with improved health care will have more fit, better cared for residents and the others, well, they'll be choking to death on Deep Fried Twinkies or something.

Actually, here is a map showing that the South and other Sedition States are way overrepresented as having large percentages of uninsured.

And as a taxpayer, if your state opts out and all of you start dying of lung cancer and heart attacks from your unhealthy living, I don't want my tax paying for nothing more than a backhoe digging a mass grave for you conservative idiots. You HAVE a chance to make this problem go away by your Quisling congressmen and senators are trying to screw it up for the rest of us. You all go choke on your own anger and stupidity for all I care. Just don't send me the bill.