"I don't care about the Constitution!"- Bill O'Reilly
From the party that gave you "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamned piece of paper!" (that's their Rethug hero Bush hard at work) comes Bill O'Reilly foaming at the mouth and freaking on the prospect of actually using the justice system to try the folks behind 9/11.
You know, like civilized people do?
Nah, this mix of theocracy-loving zealots and civil rights abusing racists (really, on paper, is there ANY difference between the GOP and al-Qaeda?) hates the idea of giving the guys that killed our citizens their day in court.
I mean, hell, they had NO issues with Papa Reagan taking in EVERY murderer in Castro's prisons but they are afraid of a couple hundred pseudo-Muslim douchebags.
I means, even FAUXNews' pet lawyer think trying these guys in New York is both proper and legal.
Basically, aside from the obvious fearmongering, these idiots don't have a leg to stand on.