"What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can't make the vote tonight.That's what they ought to pray."- Republican Hero Tom Coburn (OK), hoping Senator Byrd died before voting to stop Republican obstructionism on health care
As if I needed another reason. When Republicans are literally praying for people to die so that laws they don't like can not get passed, you absolutely guarantee that I'm never voting a Republican, not even for dog catcher. Screw every single one of them.
All the Republicans have done is obstruct. They have gone to the filibuster on 70 percent of every bill in this past year. At their worst, Democrats have used it 27 times over a whole session of Congress. Read up on it here.
More on this problem of childish Republican obstinance here.
Seriously, angry infants who want people who don't agree with them to die. Such odious bastards.