Charles Johnson, over at Little Green Footballs, has decided to call out and step away from the right wing racist hate mob currently running the GOP.
This doesn't mean he's gone liberal or that I'd agree with the guy on much of anything. But he and Andrew Sullivan, who left the conservatives when they went into ultra gay bashing mode but just realized it himself are onto something.
I don't mind a cautious voice in our politics. I don't mind a trend towards fiscal discipline. I don't even mind an overly protective voice. It moderates those who want to run full force into the future.
That said, those elements describe Bill Clinton more than any Republican candidate or actual president in recent decades. Republicans, unfairly or not, are those tied to restricting rights to, well, you name it: women, minorities, gays, Muslims. And so on.
Republicans sold all our jobs overseas and let corporations off the hook for paying ANY taxes, putting the burden on the rest of us.
Republicans make boogeymen for us to hate and fear; from Murphy Brown to gays to Muslims to "Socialist Kenyans". Never taking the blame for any failure (9/11, Katrina, Afghanistan (both times), Enron/WorldCom, the Bush Recession, and you name it really).
My father-in-law is a Republican and I can't fathom how much shit he has to ignore about his party just to get through the day. He's not into torturing people. He's not a racist, well, not anymore than one can be living on a golf course north of Houston. You know, not consciously. He can't possibly allow the hypocrisy of arguing against a trillion dollars in health care while being cool with a three trillion dollar war in Iraq.
At least I'd like to think so.
So, it is with him in mind that I read Johnson's manifesto and check out his attacks on the GOP's malfeasance in bowing at the feet and crotch of Rush Limbaugh for inspiration.
Or about how he asks how evangelicals can possibly be fine with executing gays in Uganda because it was a Religious Right plan that put this in motion.
Or even how the Right can be fine with vile, racist attacks on the President such as this:
Once again, I'm glad he and others are waking up to the freakish pack of bastards they have made common cause with. I sincerely hope they can either kick the cretins out of their party or make something new and, if not something I can agree with, at least be something the rest of the country can tolerate and hopefully respect the opinions of.
If not, he's just singled himself out as a "traitor" to the mob rule that currently festers and controls his party. Best of luck to him.