Here's the main thread post:
If we ignore climate change and just keep burning fossil fuels, nothing bad will happen. But if gays get married or atheists get treated fairly in public, it will be the end of America. - How can people that think like that get positions of power in America?- submitted by KingBeetle
That's a pretty good assessment of the GOP's stupidity. However, in the comments is a fantastic breakdown of what makes person worth ignoring:
- comment by echo_USERPeople have differing views on economics that i can respect, hey they disagree with me but I can respect them, and their level of intelligence.
People can disagree with environmental policy, and hey, I can respect that.
As long as they make reasoned, logical arguments supported by fact.
The anti-gay marriage crowd has not a single one well reasoned argument. Lets review a few.
God made adam and eve, not adam and steve.
Congrats, you're officially "special". Get on the fucking short bus. I refuse to even speak to anyone who says something this stupid.
American has christian founders.
Um, the base populace maybe, but the majority of the founding fathers were either deist or flat out atheist. not christian. The christians who founded this nation (the base populace) also fled religious persecution, it seems odd to flee from persecution just to set up a society that persecutes others. Our constitution is setup in a way that keeps government from wielding religious influence over the public. It's right there in th first amendment.
nevermind the fact that just b/c things were a certain way means they always need to be that way. See: slavery, women's suffrage, etc..
Gays will raise gay kids and it'll be the end of man
Just like straight people only raise straight kids, right? It also would seem odd for a parent to experience the pains of being made to feel guilty for who they are their entire lives, then impose an equal and opposite evil unto their child.
Gay marriage will ruin he sanctity of marriage.
First off, i can show you pictures and court records of a 10000 marriages that have zero sanctity to them. Ignoring that, i don't see how one set of people getting married affects anyone else.
Gays are perverse and kids do not need to be exposed to it
Kids don't need to be exposed to their parents fucking period, regardless of sexuality. Just b/c you're gay doesn't mean a second goes by in which you don't have a dick in your mouth. They are normal human beings with jobs, who watch tv, and have daily chores just like their straight counterparts.
Gay marriages will raise insurance premiums
I guess we should kick blacks off too for having higher STD rates.
Gay's can't procreate so they shouldn't have families
Neither can infertile women, or the elderly, or men who shoot blanks, maybe we should ban them from being married too.
Since they can't procreate we'll be ending the human race as we know it by supporting a lifestlye that doesn't allow for reproduction
No one is forcing anyone else to be gay. Secondly gays have ALWAYS been around and our population is still increasing in size at an alarming rate. Thirdly, not that it will happen, but our population size is far too big to be sustainable on this planet, and fourth. We're talking like 1-4% of the population here. That's it. All this fuss over a tiny tiny demographic. They're not going to end the human race.
I just don't want to be exposed to that sort of stuff
And what about the gay people who are exposed the hetero stuff day in and day out
No matter how you spin it, a person against gay marriage is ALWAYS going to come back to an irrational fear or dislike of homosexuals, when asked why the basic argument reverts to "that's the way i was raised" or "that's what it says in the bible" (ignoring the fact that the bible does touch on gay men, but never says a single thing about lesbians, and only does so in the Old Testament.. in Leviticus, which all Christians ignore today anyways).
some people might tell you "i have gay friends", well my father is a sexist and he's married, so what? I've seen people utter the word "nigger" one moment then kiss some black dude's ass the next. Some might tell you that they don't have a problem with gays, but just think what they do is gross.. .like anyone is forcing them to watch what goes on behind closed doors by putting a gun to their head.
I have never, not once heard a well reasoned arguement against gay marriage, gays, or gay families and if you could give me one, i'll respect it. Until then, everyone against it, is a fucking idiot.
The worst part is, you have people I have debated with (like my father) who, point after point gets backed into a corner.. and they'll readily admit: " My logic my be faulty, but that's the way I was raised and I know I'm right. Those people are degenerates". He'll get all red faced, he'll admit, that his every point fails in this argument, he'll admit he has no logic, but swear that he's correct in this. And frankly, that what it falls down to.
It comes down to people believing in shit, without a reason. They believe something they were taught, and questioning that is incredibly uncomfortable.. so instead, they fight it. Because change is hard for people.
Read Shirley Jackson's - The Lottery sometime. Believing in traditional things without questioning the tradition, can have disastrous outcomes, an those outcomes make people suffer.
And it's odd to me, that people smile and hold hands and clap when marriage amendments at the state level get voted down, or over-turned.. they're all happy about it. And it saddens me, because a sizable portion of our population gains happiness from other's misery. They have invaded someone else's lives with the government on their side, to bully them. And they're happy about it.
Think about that. To me that says we have much deep cultural issues than just homosexuality.
it's called religion. Only religion, nationalism, and psychiatric disorders can make someone happy that others suffer.
That should be chiseled into something somewhere.