I completely forgot about these two fools but I've read some updates to their stories and am just flabbergasted at the stupidity allowed in this country.
First, there's the nitwit teacher/Holocaust denier who apparently can't be fired for trying to teach this crazy conservative crazy bullshit to kids. Thankfully, some of Lori Sublette's students are smarter than she is. At least I hope they are. Others who went into automatic anti-Semite mode are probably hopelessly lost to us as thinking Americans. Sadly, they will grow to vote for Sarah Palin.
Is she still teaching? Yeah, here's in libertarian Nevada, crazy psychopaths can not only teach, we let them be governor.
Then there's Joseph Pepitone. This guy decided to don a barrel, put a bunch of anti-government placards on it, then vandalize the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign. He now swears he woke up, took the wrong meds, and impulsively did this. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
Here's the bulk of the coverage by the network who just happened to be there when Whack Job went a'painting. Check out the video, particularly this one and this report.
Oh, and the non-premeditated part of his defense? Bullshit, as evidenced by this video:
He's been profiled before for having a jackpot taken away by a game malfunction. It's a four part series that starts here.
Hey, I work in the gaming industry. I feel bad for anyone this happens to but it DOES happen. This doesn't give you a reason to be insane.
But yeah, there are just a couple of the morons that make up Vegas. You gotta take the bad with the good sometimes I guess.