What a surprise. When Barack Obama was elected, the Rethugs stocked up on ammo because they were waiting to revolt because the election didn't go their way.
Okay, they bought a shitload of guns because a black guy got elected, but I was trying to be civil. But yeah, many of them are fear-filled racist whackjobs who want the whole to end. Violently.
Anyway, Queen of the Birthers Oily Taint wants these yahoos to lock and load and to do it soon.
"What is the real intention of this Kenyan, Indonesian communist usurper? Is it to provide security for us or to destroy our security? Judge for yourself...."(I)t might be time to start rallies and protests using our second amendment right to bare (sic)arms and organise in militias."
When is someone going to lock up this nutjob and the fools that follow her every word? She makes Palin and Bachmann only look disturbed.