Spolied Brats are the Threat

So, as more and more passengers get harassed in airport security lines, I once again question everyone's priorities.

Do we want to be safe or do we want to equate being felt up by some moronic TSA drone with safety?

Because, if we are going to harass, detail, molest, and otherwise abuse a class of people, let's at least pick the right group.

Rich kids. Particularly the idle sons of wealthy bastards. The Christmas bomber is the son of a Nigerian banker. Bin Laden is the son of wealthy Saudi/Yemeni construction clans. Bush the Lesser's daddy was president and had a ton of connections. Between them they have wars, bombings, mass civilian killings and general fear and violence that decades of intifada can't even come close to.

But everyone fears the angry Arab on the street. Hell, Tim McVeigh killed more children in one blast than a month's worth of suicide vests could. Hmm, was his father anyone of means? Might be worth looking into.

Are we looking into cavity searching the children of the rich? No? Why not?

Is racial profiling, or even religion profiling, going to get to the core of the problem? No, it is going to piss people off. And those pissed off people, some of them anyway, will find homes to encourage their hatred. Some of it will be funded by rich assholes like Dick Armey and be used to elect fucking nitwits like Sarah Palin. Others will go be funded to strap on a vest and blow up a bus or try to set a plane on fire. Funded by the idle rich.