And you thought the US had cornered the market on bigotry. Turns out we are pikers compared to the Swiss. Yeah, I know, the "we don't want war, please buy our chocolates and watches" Swiss.
They decided to ban the building of any more minarets of any new mosques in Switzerland. This isn't some kind of parlimentarian kidnapping of democracy, this is a referendum passed by the apparently goose-stepping public itself.
Apparently, like in America, religious expression in fine for the Swiss - as long as it has a cross attached to it. I mean, I am down with religion in general these days, but more for how it is being abused by terror-loving asshats of all stripes than for the message of subservient and blinded dogma it provides. Apparently the Swiss, and all Europeans writ large apparently, are going to have a debate on their xenophobia.
Remember folks, it is YOUR job to reign in the crazy bastards using your religion to start wars, kill children, oppress others who don't think, act, look or love like you. Whether you are responsible for al-Qaeda or Talibangelical speaking in the name of Muhammad or Jesus, stop the hatemongers in your ranks lest you be labelled as them as well.
Want to know why I don't do to Church anymore? It is because all I see are racist hatemongers who tell me my dog is going to hell because he's been microchipped. Fix your own house before you worry about the prayer tower going up on the house next door.