"(Y)ou have to also remember the fact that the president being on vacation in Hawaii, it's much different than being in Texas. Hawaii to many Americans seems like a foreign place. And I think those images, the optics, hurt President Obama very badly."- Former Romney spokesman and current Tool Kevin Madden
Republicans are, quite seriously, anti-American douchebags. To think that Hawaii isn't American enough for them goes back to the whole Palinite BS argument about "real Americans". I live in a desert surrounded by casinos and mountains. No one in Nebraska would find any similarity with that at all, but that person and I are both Americans.
There's probably some conservative racist code words in there too I imagine.
Best reply to this asshole who thinks only Texas can be viewed as the standard for America?
Yeah, uh, that state whose leaders want it to actually become a foreign place via secession?- Commenter BobbyG