FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Divorce Rates Higher in States with Gay Marriage Bans

I already knew this but didn't have the data to prove it, but the so-called "traditional marriage" states are full of degenerates divorcing each other at far greater percentages than the rest of the country.

So, let's be honest, who is a greater threat to the institution of marriage: gay people who have been in relationships for decades who would like to get married and can't OR rednecks who knock each other up and get hitched and learn to hate each other but do it because they are told they have to?

I think you already know the answer.

And I'm pretty sure the divorce map hews closely to the bottom map. Yes, it is a bit out of date since New Jersey went all Talibangelical and did not allow gay marriage like people thought. Granted, it isn't pertinent to divorce necessarily, but if you are bigoted enough to fear gay marriage, why are you cool with first cousins procreating?