Michigan defense contractor has God in its sights - Yahoo! News

The Talibangelicals are really going out of their way to get our troops killed in some Bizarro World 21st Century Crusades.

Trijicom, a defense contractor who makes night vision gear for the Marines, is likely in violation of federal law for inserting bible verses into their serial numbers.

I mean, yeah, my In-and-Out cups and fry boats have verses on them, but we aren't importing Double-Doubles to feed Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nor are we buying them with federal monies.

The gall of these Talibangelicals to create a situation that just feeds into the al-Qaeda/Taliban message that we are out to convert those we are purportedly protecting would be pathetic if it wasn't so dangerous. They really probably think they are doing God's work. Why placing the Christian God's words on a weapon meant to kill supposed Muslims is supposed to make other people want to give up Islam is beyond me.

Then again, most things Talibangelicals think are good idea just make my skin crawl.

Here is a news report on this stupidity. Rachel Maddow also covered this.

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